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the  Art of  Nao

Scrolls:  1  .  2a  .  2b  .  3  .  4  .  5  .  6  .  7  .  8  .  9  .  10  .  11  .  12  .  13  .  14  .  15  .  16  .  17  .

  18  .  19  .  20  .  21  .  22  .  23  .  24  .  25  .  26  .  27  .  28  .  29  .  30  .  31  .  32  .  33  .  34  .

<  Scroll 5   __________________________   All Scrolls   __________________________   Scroll 7  >



______________Scroll  6   .   66  x 132 cm   /    26  x  52 inches____________


Scroll 6-section 1.1

Whatever the limits that we set for how much information we can comfortably accept is not the measure unwillingness to love, but an echo of what our nervous system can handle. We can only love as much as we can, just as we can only receive love to similar limits. People have to determine their own capacities and recognize when they can assimilate  information no further. 

Otherwise, when we love someone to the point of self-neglect, then we are receiving excessive information about them and not enough about ourselves. Too much self-sacrifice also means that there will certainly be an upheaval and vacuum if we are left behind, such as when a child becomes adult, or a companion leaves by death or sudden separation. 

As information about the other ends, we may experience a great emptiness that can only be filled by increasing self-knowledge—which is inevitable if we do the work of letting go.

By implication, the paradigm of love as information means that to love ourselves is to be open to all information on the subject of “me” regardless of what we may find out. Again, this is a question of including all information without resistance to it. 



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To unreservedly face any fact about ourselves, and at any given moment, is to love ourselves even if we do not like what we find out. By accepting information regarding the dark and the light in us, we are letting what is neurologically true trigger inevitable self-understanding. At the same time, whatever we do not like will naturally find its own resolution. Because life is a self-repairing system, it will automatically do so when we let information flow via its own play of forces.

It is only by getting to know ourselves that we can become whole and healed. We do not need to worry about what “news” we might find because our neurology constantly registered what was actually going on inside us anyway. The text that we come to read about ourselves was always echoed as tonal textures at the level of indirect consciousness, and we regularly received this information, for example, through our dreams. Within them, our neurology recreates   >



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>  the images and story lines of what we are subliminally telling ourselves all along about life and about our situation within it. 

Once we expand our consciousness to include updated self-information, then we will inevitably feel completely loved not only by ourselves, but also by life and others. To practice love (receive information) under as many circumstances as possible is the optimal attitude for a full life. It is the only state that encourages expansion into Nao’s informational content—including about ourselves in it. 

By perceiving and acting with love, we are in our most expanded state—one that offers us the fullest range of harmony and understanding within any given interaction. It does so because, to love is to reach beyond ideas about our own selves and to go into the actuality of our lives. This content will always merge into unity at the +crossfield of information.



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All that we require and desire can come to us through the mechanism of life’s full assimilation of  information about us—its love for us. We can access this love directly from our inner world and do so without preconditions for receiving its benefits, not even a belief system. Instead, it is owed to us by virtue of our existence, for this love is the unhindered circuit of our self’s reconnection to its source, the +crossfield. Its receptivity to us at our most detailed levels of longing is how life loves each being. In doing so, it simply loves other aspects of itself.

Not even death is the end of love, but the beginning of a different kind of one. This is love’s beauty; it knows no limits when it is strong enough, and can always generate ever more elements of information about the beloved. That is why, following the death of a meaningful person we build memorials, write books, or become social activists. As long as there is someone alive who can express information about its object of love, the beloved will continue to exist.



Scroll 6-section 3

Nao is my word to represent the joined forces of “now” and “Tao.” Through this merger, Nao adds an additional level of creative will to Tao, and to now, the recognition of its freeform plasticity. The Art of Nao consists in practicing the existential techniques necessary to make use of each moment’s transformational potential.

8       Now is a Stem Cell

Now’s deep secret is that it doesn’t have to exist for very long; a nano-flash of change is enough to create its vivid impression of non-stop existence. Nevertheless, it is only an impression. 

The hard presence of any now is ungraspable; it disappears as it starts. Now never stays; it cannot. We are always entering and exiting a new now, one whose reality is constructed from past information that briefly sparkled into embodiment, only to become memory. 

Now seems to offer motion, but it barely offers a re-enactment of what was. We think that a given situation lasts over time, in minutes, hours, years, but only thanks to the way in which we carry over the contents of each “now” from their previous view, just as the current photo of a flip book sets up the next one in order to create the illusion of actual streaming movement. 

We can move text and images forward, but never completely pin down the 4-Dimensional moments that they represent—these are far more defined by their absence than by their presence. We take photographs specifically because we cannot stop the transformation of each instant’s contents into that of the next. 



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This play of light & sound is our proof of consciousness. To be conscious is to be present with what we know—for now. 

Our impression of ongoing being is the result of this illusory device: seemingly stable information as to what is, changing to what will be, disappearing into what was. As we continue entering an equally elusive future, we are the ones who stabilize now’s evanescence by accepting its constant disappearance. 

Because now never stands still, we can transform our reality by changing the information that we focus upon, moment to moment. The “now," in places called "the point of power,” is precisely that since it is the only life instant when everything going on is in full dimensional alignment: from its 4D physicality, to its origins as a zero-dimensional conceptual state. 

Because information is thus at its peak state of vitality, now is where life’s raw energy is most able to convert what is, into what “becomes.” To access that transformative potential, we need to view the moment in terms of “Nao” and then, reduce “what is” to its simplest form: vibrations. The landscapes that these construct are what we make contact with when we say we “feel.” 

The essence of whatever we feel at any moment embodies a tone, one that joins previous tones and becomes yet, another element of an overall vibratory topology. Any now’s texture-tone determines if we can be at ease with what is going on, or if we will yearn for something else. When a pleasurable or reassuring "tone” is not felt, its absence then becomes the drawing force that acts in search of it. 



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Our desires automatically extend into direct contact with the +crossfield of information where they interface with the undetermined state of quantum level particles. These will organize themselves into physicality according to the information associated with what is longed for.

This tone of aching for something has a conceptual blueprint for what 4-Dimensionality could and should materialize for us to achieve a feeling of satisfaction and wellbeing. This dynamic of expectation is the same one found in relation to hearing a melodious piece of music. As the musical score unfolds into a vibratory panorama, each awaited note has its dedicated place within the landscape of the entire composition—so it is with reality. 

Creatures of all kinds draw out their needed and wanted realities by using concrete intuitive resonances that are based on direct sensory contact. According to the comfort or discomfort that results from these experiences, so will a creature long for either the same circumstances or, for something better. 

A being’s tonal reaches can also have the effect of creating something new through both mutations and epigenetics. Epigenetic changes—whereby circumstances cause a DNA’s genes to either turn on or off—are brought about by a being's tonal longing to, literally, “feel better” and to be in contact with a more harmonious transition from one sensory experience to the next. When they become genetically entrenched, these changes can be passed on to future generations.

Evolutionists call it "survival of the fittest" as if a change came about only due to external conditions. However, these were the co-authors of a new genetic text rather than the sole source for its collaborator’s developing story. Any being’s adaptation to environments and to events is simply the natural drawing out of a solution  >



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>  in response to its own emotional needs and biological appetites.

This pulse to reach for one’s desires animates every creature's being, even though life is itself neutral as to the particulars of each thirst, just as what is painted on a canvas makes no difference to the brushes and to the colours. Only the degree of passion for its appearance determines if a reality (or a painting) eventually comes into being.

9       Immaculate Conception 

Reality is a concept, a specific way of organizing information in order to build up a convincing impression of the world in which we live, each in our own way. 

Life’s day-to-day appearance of being “really” real comes from its 4-Dimensional structures, which inevitably engage all the senses that we have. Anything less, such as feelings (1-Dimensional), words or images (2-Dimensional), and imagination (3-Dimensional), never fully satisfy us, and never can unless they lead to their 4-Dimensional actuality. 

All the same, everything starts without any dimensions at all, as a concept (to conceive.) What ends up as an object, a feeling, an idea,

<  Scroll 5   ____________________________________________________   Scroll 7  >

Scrolls:  1  .  2a  .  2b  .  3  .  4  .  5  .  6  .  7  .  8  .  9  .  10  .  11  .  12  .  13  .  14  .  15  .  16  .  17  .

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