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<  Scroll 26   ____________________________________________________  Scroll 28  >



Scroll 27 .  66 x 132 cm     ~26 x ~ 52 inches



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>  feeling is most likely—to some degree—what we have also felt at one time or another. Where people differ is in both, the proportions of their feelings, and in the extent to which they are compelled to act them out. Irritation and full-blown rage, for instance, are made of similar neurological dynamics, only with different amounts of saturation and volume. 

11. At the complete opposite extreme of feelings are numbers. Their word tells us exactly what they do: they numb us from contact with our neurology, and therefore, our capacity to feel. 

Whereas feelings can exist without reference to something else, numbers only have value within the context of what they are associated with. This is why businesses can be so completely ruthless with their employees, customers, and especially, competitors. There is rarely a business plan intended to measure feelings, which are something within, whereas what numbers tally is always in evidence. 

That notwithstanding, numbers can be a useful form of information and detachment about proportions and progress. Nonetheless, when our lives are centered on them, then their narrow and cool focus leaves us too neurologically contracted to register any feelings along with what we are counting. 

With measurement as our life’s chief yardstick, we literally cannot feel. Instead, we keep an eye on whether or not we are "measuring up," no matter what we actually feel in relation to what is being accounted for.



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12. We can obtain the best of each universe, that of numbers and that of feelings, when we realize that we are primarily motivated to feel good. Nothing would be worth acquiring if it did not have an emotionally desirable result. When someone achieves something noteworthy, we do not ask them what they think about it, but rather, how do they feel.

Whatever we want, or do not want, is not the thing for its own sake, and in isolation, but because of its anticipated pleasurable effect upon us. According to their means for succeeding, each being in life participates in this quest.

How we feel is the main compass by which to set our course towards authenticity.

Our waking reality is constructed precisely to sensitize us to feel the process of our life’s constant becoming. In this way, we are not only prepared for what is around the corner but also for feeling when it is time to cross the street.

In the Spirit of Things      30

Human spirit is made of the lightest form of individual physicality. To be spiritual does not automatically equate to being, so called, good; spirituality can go either way.

A spirit is no different in nature than any other finely grained material. No state guarantees solely by being spiritual  >



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>  that it will lead to beneficial outcomes. That would be like saying that all odors are pleasant by virtue of being constructed from very small particles. There is no way of ascribing a + or a - value to a spiritual motive until we have looked at its effects upon ourselves and upon the rest of the world. 

Spirit’s equal opportunity access does not say that life encourages harm, only that its creative free will permits all to find out for themselves the character and limits of their creations, each of which starts with a specific spiritual orientation. 

The fact is, people in the pursuit of a spiritual life vary in kindness and in cunning. While many are sincere people who want purpose and community in their life, a spiritual quest alone says nothing about a spiritual seeker’s deeper motives. 

Within their spiritual realm, each person continues to be how and what they are. People use the word “spirit” in their own way and for their own purposes, including for exploiting others. You cannot know anyone’s spiritual personality until you come to know how they behave under a variety of pressures.



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Unfortunately, since to speak about spirituality is usually seen as proof of one’s goodwill, hearing someone do so often deflects taking a closer look at the speaker. What makes spirituality worth cultivating, nonetheless, is its effect of fine-tuning our feelings, thoughts, and actions, regardless of their goals. 

A genuinely spiritual person deliberates upon, and nurtures their seed motivations; they intuitively recognize their spiritual domain’s supportive role in their goals’ prospective materializations. By cultivating our spiritual seeds, a far more solid foundation exists under whatever kind of an outcome is desired.

Such spiritual awareness is available to all who reach for it. Those people whose intentions are to take advantage of others also spend time contemplating; they too have a spiritual life that helps them to succeed in their goals, just as the well-intentioned do. Most of us have heard the term "mean-spirited" or "in the spirit of exploitation," and we understand those characterizations to  >



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>  describe drives that emit from the core of their hosts. 

If we want to know the spiritual basis for our own motivations, then we need to develop an ongoing presence in our inner world from where we can see our spirit’s true character. It cannot help but appear, since any spirit eventually expresses itself as specific drives, thoughts, feelings and ultimately, deeds.

As a rule, reviewing our spiritual states is a form of basic maintenance. Unless we regularly look at the intentions that pilot our spirit, it is all too easy for the spiritual level to promote and lobby for its dominant content. Gradually then, it can increase the dimensionality of its unedited expressions. We call that ”coming under the influence,” “seduction,” or any other word that expresses taking on a passive role in what we are led to do, or to be. 

That is why people who have turned off their executive functioning say, through unconditional trust or through intoxicants, can do foolish and dangerous things. Due to their lack of self-observation, no one was at home to filter a spiritual orientation’s increasing momentum and thus, see where it was leading—taking its host along in the process.



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Spiritual Matters

All-out spiritual engagement is the destination of an authentic physical life, and vice versa, each in combination with the other and to the exclusion of neither. Spirit and matter are opposite ends on the same continuum, and the translation of spiritual impulse into its physicality is unavoidable, for every energy-seed always seeks to organize more materiality unto itself. If you look at any offer, be it spiritual salvation or detergent, the outcome is always described in physical terms. 

Those who remain spiritual spectators with good intent while devaluing anything physical as unworthy of spirit’s proud notice have placed spiritual values at the wrong end of the telescope. It follows from this that those who are physically active—but of self-serving spirit—consistently gain control over what should be shared resources.

Spirituality is actually many levels of being below physicality; it is the sketch to the sculpture, the diagram to the machine, the plan to the journey.

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