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65  x  132.5 cm   /    26   x  52  inches



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>  that multitudes of people are fed the exact same text and images to digest, and in many cases, simultaneously. 

It is no exaggeration then, to say that millions of unique daydreams have been replaced by variations on a single one, itself the product of only a handful of minds. What we now see is no longer where we are, but where someone else has both virtually and literally, placed us. Our system, unavoidably, tries on all of these different realities via its mirror neurons. These, as we know, activate in partially the same way as if the observed matter were happening in full dimensionality—except that these neurons can offer only up to 3 of the 4 dimensions that they depict.

This spectator phenomenon has its place, but when mirror neurons must metabolize depictions of violence, disaster, or exclusive ultra-rich lifestyles, then the nervous system gets stimulated without the means to experience a 4-Dimensional process of development and consequences. 

Moreover, since the on-screen stories are compressed, we artificially experience in minutes what it would take hours, days, years to actually live through. What is complete information on a screen therefore, becomes ignorance away from it. 

The residual effect is that virtuality in excess reduces our abilities to orient ourselves, and to accurately perceive what is happening right in front of us. Due to our lean record of accomplishments in 4-dimensions, we increasingly function  >



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>  within an atrophied range of actions, reactions, and self-assessments. Meanwhile, only a life that contains all degrees of functionality within all the dimensions can educate us to act self-confidently in it.

The great irony is that the references for all subject matter on a screen are the full physical forms to which they point. The credibility of words & images rests on the fact that life cannot help but force upon us its full sensory dimensionality. What we sense always begins any neurological experience; regardless of the level at which it occurs. 

We acknowledge this with our insistence that things should “make sense” and with our rejection of “nonsense.” These criteria are only pragmatic. No matter how sophisticated the situation, sensing’s information always starts with the basics of action. Do we come closer or go farther away? Do we go fast or slow? Do we contract or expand? Are we attracted, repulsed, or left indifferent?

These are the same sensory questions that any sentient being constructs on an ongoing basis, including birds, snakes, insects, amoeba, cells, molecules, atoms, and quarks. To be unable to practice these direct kinds of responses atrophies our self-knowledge, and consequently, knowledge on where we fit within life. 

This is an especially poignant fact if we’ve ignored signs of our physicality’s imbalances, but then they force us to deal with all 4 dimensions on their own terms. At  >



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>  that point, all that matters, and at any price, is our health—which money alone cannot always buy. When its status is fully appreciated, however, our body can be trusted to exercise its innate intelligence for healing. To enable this activation, we need to accept the vital nature of all the dimensions that comprise the experience of being alive.

As our relationship to our body becomes one of caretaking, then we no longer impose upon it our own psychosocial image. Instead, we become free to sense our being’s prompts as they guide us to provide for its needs, which ultimately are also our own. And, eventually, our neurology will reflect back to us optimal self-actualization, the fullness of which we may never have known before. 

Not our ideas about how we are, but our deepest neurological activity is that which is “really” real about us as individuals. In all cases, and at any moment, we can foster into existence "the real me" in full actualization of its expressive and creative energies. Me’s changing forms and contents thus become one constantly evolving stream-of-being whose parts interflow unconditionally. 

In its fully actualized state, what is real does not cancel its foundation as raw energy. On the contrary, the structural quality of our energy is exactly what determines the firm realities we all get  >



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>  to face. As a result, we are neither fully tested, nor completely validated until our longed-for experiences manifest into their physical forms. 

We have an appreciative audience of at least one when we sing in the shower, but the feeling is far more stunning, and the demands on our nervous system far more taxing, when we perform before thousands. Whether we really want the more intense version, or are satisfied with the basic one is for each to know. 

Unique beings that we are, it is up to us to understand our own natures and longings clearly enough to direct and guide their vitality into actualization. We attain this knowledge by being one with our physical self.

The more self-actualized individuals there are in life, the better it is for all. For any one of us to remain unfullfilled degrades the entire world, whereas our health and joys can only uplift it.

27       Is It 4 Real?

Reality is not a stand-alone element that surrounds us like air or water. Instead, reality is assembled from within by the nervous system’s activities as processed by our brains.

The main question is not if something is real, but “in what form does its reality exist?” The answer tells us how many dimensions this reality has. Its dimensionality then tells us if this reality must be limited  >



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>  to an individual (as with a dream, a hallucination, a certain feeling,) or if it is accessible to the world at large (as with a mountain, rain, an idea.) 

For example, because feelings have only one dimension of physicality, they can only be experienced individually. As such, there is no point in denying the actuality of anyone’s feelings; what to do about them must first follow their acknowledgment.

Ideas have at least two dimensions; they can be shared with others through texts and images, which are also made of two dimensions. All ideas are real; their fulfillment, however, requires that further dimensions be added. 

Objects in external space have three dimensions plus a fourth involving change, reframed as time. Any such object’s reality should be accessible to all in its area. The ease with which we can agree on  >



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>  these 4-Dimensional kinds of realities hypnotizes us into viewing majority opinion as the first test of any reality’s authenticity. 

But it isn’t: your own experience is the main determinant for what is real. Consequently, to try to convince someone that their reality is false inevitably triggers their resistance, since it asks them to deny the very nervous system needed for their agreement with us. Delusional persons are genuinely frightened because they’re convinced that their perceptions are accurate. 

The fact is that we cannot escape from the impressions of reality created by our nervous systems. Through new information, however, we can change how our nerves’ synapses fire and so, potentially, transform our perceptions of reality.

Reality is best defined as whatever existence we feel compelled to deal with, regardless of whether or not anyone else agrees that it is real. In support of this definition, there are many examples of people who >

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