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the Art of Nao
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18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 .
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66 x 133 cm / 26 x 53 inches
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> a womb that incubates into life whatever our imagination and feelings seed it with—for better, or for worse. Deliberately directing this world’s contents is as important as responding to the outer one since, what is going on outwardly is a direct reflection of our inner resonances. Smooth these out, and what manifests has to improve.
This dynamic is unfailing, and the basis for its synchronicity is the virtual nature of our experiences. Every instant of reality is the material translation of vibratory patterns whose information we first process from within. The tonal forms of our private topologies are why an awareness of our feelings is essential for a purposefully directed life. Unless we acknowledge how we are feeling at any given moment, we cannot realize the affirmative correlation between how we feel and the realities that we are then forced to navigate.
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It bears repeating: feelings are the 1-Dimensional form of what might develop into a 2nd, 3rd, and then 4th dimension. With each feeling, we contact textures that draw the next experience of feeling from which, once again we anticipate yet another tangible materialization, and so the ride continues. Feelings matter because—justified or not—they predict further consciousness of related sensual information.
Since what we each label as important is personal, to follow our feeling process customizes our experiences as no external educator can. The very essence of teaching is, in fact, to increasingly refine someone’s nervous system into sophisticated perceptions that foster evermore >
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> effective actions; no one can teach us faster or more deeply than we ourselves.
When we first enter our inner world from the vantage of an ”I” looking at itself, we generally still act as if our identity were our whole self. Our inner world, however, oscillates between individuality and universal oneness. In order to be fully partnered with it, we have to remember that our ”I” is a temporary crystallization of forces pretending to be a single being, and that our complete self is an extension of the +crossfield of information.
Before long, the inner world's vast territory will be understood as the necessary prerequisite for a full education. There is already increasing information about the inner and outer world's primary instrument of translation: the brain. The more its functioning is known, the more obvious it will be that emotions, thoughts, feelings, and personal attitudes are our shapers. Their roles will be clear in not only what a person perceives and does, but also in what >
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> they cannot perceive, and cannot do.
The vast majority of people will tell you that there is no way that they (or you) can transform reality from within. Nevertheless, there is no need to convince others that reality is malleable for this concept’s transformative effects to work for us. All we need to do is educate ourselves about our own inner & outer lives.
To recognize and understand the major forces at play within ourselves is an ongoing process that graduates us into ever wiser self-management. It is an education within the textural contexts of life itself and not by way of isolated virtual events extracted from books & screens.
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26 Consciousness as Sensual Information
Not just humans, but all beings interact with their environments such that they can accurately be said to be conscious. What each is conscious of, and in what way, depends upon the form of its existence.
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Through its cells, a comparatively simple being such as a leaf is conscious of—has sensual information about—light and water. It draws these elements into itself according to its cells’ states of health. A rock is also conscious, albeit in a more basic way than a leaf. When a sufficient force strikes a rock, its molecules receive the sensual information of that object's supremacy and the rock cleaves apart.
The rock and the leaf are always in the Nao and act upon their sensual information to its optimal outcome for themselves. There is not one healthy leaf on the planet that can willfully decide not to respond to light, and so block its own photosynthesis.
Humans, however, can abandon information and disregard it alto-- >
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> -gether, with better or worse consequences. Ironically, the first information ignored is usually the one that gets the last word: our physicality’s sensual experiences.
Modern’s life intense levels of abstraction make it easy to ignore that being alive is always based on some degree of physicality. Not just outer events, but also all inner ones. A thought, an imagination, a feeling, a memory, each is experienced through the materiality of 4-Dimensional chemical and neurological processes. When our physicality breaks down, we die to this life, as all things do.
As such, our biology's prime duty is to balance its own processes. The body's innate intelligence goes beyond simply managing its cellular activities; it also engages in correcting psychological, emotional, and intellectual imbalances.
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Furthermore, our body receives information that seeks to define itself from the deepest levels of our being. It is from these communication centers that we get hunches and gut feelings; the more we act on them, the more readily they manifest.
Our physical survival (and by extension, that of our property,) is always our main priority. In this respect, we are 0 degrees of separation from every other living creature. For all of our social complexities and masteries of materials, our body’s sensory requirements have not changed from our animal origins. What has changed is our relationship to them.
In various ways, both Eastern and Western religions >
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> have downgraded our physicality as the less worthy of our assets. Its flesh and basic appetites are contrasted with the light touch that spiritual practices are reputed to offer. Consequently, the body’s needs and any efforts at fulfilling them are seen as superficial, misguided pursuits.
Physicality’s undeserved bad press, however, only comes from the success of spirituality’s ego. The more it downgrades physicality, the more spirit elevates itself.
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Because of this highly successful self-promotion, those who seek a more sublime life often turn their efforts towards taking care of their spirit, which is fine, but at the expense of their sensual information, which is not.
The exact opposite should take place. We need to care for our body in order to fulfill our spiritual ideals, which ironically, are always about an improved physical experience at some level or other, and not about a sensationless disembodied state. Even heaven is supposed to feel like something physically &/or emotionally pleasant.
Our body is the fundamental wilderness from which we are inseparable. Its need for sunlight, air, water, nutrients, and shelter, keep us subliminally directed towards sensory physicality in all their various forms. Even more, our body’s state of wellbeing determines what sensual information we can receive and interpret.
In contrast, our body’s unjust demotion and the back-burner prioritiza- >
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> -tion of its needs, blunts our sensory experiences, when it does not deform them. Due to this neglect, we inevitably experience reduced quality of being, distortions of perception, and a compensatory fantasy life.
The consequence is that we lose empathy, perspective, and a sense of direction for where our long-term wellbeing can be found. We then live within condensed emotional parameters and so cannot “feel” well. Conversely, acknowledging our body's requirements grounds us at very deep levels and, simultaneously, keeps us from living on purely abstract ones.
From this point of view, it is shortsighted to take our body’s health for granted and to give it attention only when it begins to falter. This care-by-crisis attitude comes from misunderstanding the body’s role as an interface between our imaginations and the materializations that we experience.
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This oversight is encouraged through the contents of media and their seductive manipulation of our imagination. Be it for entertainment, education, or as various shades of news, media’s technology distorts us away from full physical experiences, even as it offers them in virtual forms.
The readiness with which our consciousnesses can participate in any subject matter through imagination and spectatorship alone, encourages our thirst for sensory stimulation without ever being able to quench it. There is no way that a virtual product ever can; its maximum capacity of 3-Dimensionality lacks the full weight of a given 4-Dimensional reality and how it tests our nervous system in real time.
This was not always the case. Before massive media, each person had a unique life of imagination that was populated with images and sounds completely different from everyone else’s. In contrast, today’s viewing of mass broadcasts means >
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Scrolls: 1 . 2a . 2b . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 .
18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 .
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