92 - R, 62- O, 42 - M, 11 - A, 91 - I, 52 - N, 51 - E, 0 - End of word marker
Illustration 2
The basis for the numbers in
ESKUA is a 9-square grid with the Latin alphabet placed in its order, as
indicated in Illustrations 3 and 4 - e.g.: the alphabet goes through three
cycles, and each cycle starts bottom left and moves to the top, back to the
bottom middle, then to the top middle, back to the bottom right, then finally
to the top right.
Each quadrant therefore contains
three cycles, one for each of the possible letters, and each SKU number always
consists of two numerals. The first numeral indicates the quadrant in which a
letter is located (1-9). The second numeral represents one of the three
possible cycles in which a letter can occur in that quadrant (1-3). The
rationale for this order is: knowing first which quadrant is being referenced
is intellectually efficient because it immediately reduces the pool of possible
letters from 26 to 3.
For example, the numbers 11, 12,
13, represent all three letters in quadrant, Ò1Ó, containing ÒA,Ó ÒJ,Ó and
ÒS.;Ó 61, 62, and 63 represent quadrant Ò6Ó containing the letters ÒF,Ó ÒO,Ó
and ÒX. ÓThe numeric correspondences are very easy to learn because while the
first numeral of a couplet is 1 through 9, the second numeral will always be
only 1 through 3. All of the
necessary elements for learning the system is
contained in Illustration 4.
Illustration 3
©opyright C.C. Elian . 2008
This material and
the system may be freely used and disseminated—with proper accreditation
to C.C. Elian when applicable.
Thank you for your
interest in my work.
Contact: eskua @ ccelian.com